10 Minuten Übungsprogramm für Anfänger und leicht Fortgeschrittene Dieses Übungsprogramm auf der Pilates Rolle (oder einfach auf einer zusammengerollten Decke) mobilisiert Schultern, Brustmuskulatur und Nacken und löst sanft Nackenverspannungen. Optimal nach eine Tag vor dem Computer! Geniessen!!
This video will get your Hamstrings a good stretch and also help relax your lower back. There is a close connection between the back of your legs and your lower back. So with this workout you can not only increase the flexibility in the back of your legs but also get relief for lower back pain! Enjoy the lovely feeling …
15 Minute Advanced Plank Challenge This workout is going to challenge you in all „Plank Variations“. It is an advanced challenging workout. In case you are suffering from neck problems: Take it easy! But if you are fit an healthy then go and challenge yourself! Have fun and dont give up!